WCV Donation Day

Donation Day 2024 Donation Day is a special day for The Woman’s Club of Vista.  It’s a celebration of the culmination of a year’s work of philanthropy, where donations and scholarships are awarded to deserving students and nonprofits in Vista, CA.

Donation Day occurs annually in the spring and is held in a special location in the late afternoon/early evening hours. Representatives from the nonprofits, students earning scholarships and their advisors, WCV members, and guests attend this event.

Each recipient has a chance to introduce themselves and let club members know how their donation or scholarship will be spent. Donation checks are presented by the Presidents and Treasurer to each recipient.

Earlier in the year, WCV members may nominate a 501(c)(3) organization in North San Diego County, and priority is given to organizations that provide meals, shelter and clothing for the needy, disadvantaged or homeless. Funds may also be available for field trips, books, animals, and community, education, and recreation.  Board approval determines the final list of donation recipients.

WCV Donation Day 2024Scholarships are determined first by selecting eligible Vista schools; then, nominations are made solely by school counselors. The Scholarship Committee guides participants through this process.

Donation Day is truly one of the most rewarding days for WCV members.

View the 2024 nonprofits selected to receive donations.