WCV Leadership

2024-2025 WCV Board of Directors

2024-2025 WCV Board of Directors

Board of Directors 2024-2025

Co-President Day – Judy Pantazo

As Co-President, Judy has been able to fulfill a lifelong dream of participating in charity work. Judy joined WCV In 2012 and held the office of District President in 2020-2022. Her favorite nonprofit organization is Angel Faces, which helps girls who have been injured by fire or traumatized physically in some other way.

“After my accident, I was one who was getting food at the local churches to survive from week to week. So, I know how important receiving the amount our club gives on Donation Day to these organizations is.” – Judy Pantazo

Co-President Night Owls – Sonja Hults
I have held positions with California Federation since 2000.  I first joined the  Bonsall Woman’s club but moved to The Vista Woman’s Club in 2018.  I was so excited to be a member of a Woman’s Club in the city where I lived, and to become involved with serving my community. My first position was Club Parliamentarian, and then I was asked to serve as  President in 2020. During  the Pandemic we continued to meet on zoom. We still found many ways to serve our community  during the shutdown such as putting together goodie bags for children who were stuck in quarantine at Operation Hope. It has been an amazing opportunity to be President of the Vista Club. During my first term as President, my tagline was “Bee the change you wish to see in the world.” When my term ended, Judy Pantazo and I were asked to be Co Presidents. We chose our tagline to be the “Vista Woman’s Club Has Heart” because our hearts are a big reason that we both serve. We want our community to know that we are here to help. Our Co-Presidents’ project is Autism Awareness.  A major accomplishment of our club was our first  Autism Awareness Walk last year. It was a very “heart” moment for me.  As we move into the new year we are looking to grow and to learn. We are again planning many new and interesting speakers, outings and community projects.  We are hopeful that you will enrich your lives by joining us on this journey!

“I have found friendships that will last a lifetime. I have learned to be a better, braver person and I find that I am surrounded by the best and brightest women that I am proud to work with.” — Sonja Hults 

First Vice-President, Dean of Chairmen – Liz Franciscus

As First Vice-President, Dean of Chairman, Liz Franciscus enjoys being an integral part of an organization that is very rewarding. She enjoys mapping out the direction for the Club with the other board members as well as mentoring newer club members who are interested in taking positions on the board.

“Joining the Woman’s Club immediately provided me with opportunities to become involved in valuable outreach to my community and to help with Club organization and promotion.” – Liz Franciscus

Second Vice-President, Membership – Donna DiMambro

As Second Vice-President, Donna enjoys reaching out to current members as well as recruiting future members for WCV. She also handles new member orientation, distributes badges, and maintains the Club membership roster.

“My first WCV meeting was such an eye-opening experience and I admired the women that all came together for philanthropy.” – Donna DiMambro

Third Vice-President, Programs – Open

The Third Vice President, Programs, selects speakers that enlighten the members’ knowledge as well as have fun. She also manages meeting location staff, meal option selection, and RSVPs for the day meeting. 

Fourth Vice-President, Ways and Means – Sandi Leyva

As Fourth Vice-President, Ways and Means/Fundraising, Sandi researches and develops fundraising opportunities for WCV.

Recording Secretary – Nancy Ellis

Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Ellis

Treasurer – Nancy Jones

As Treasurer, Nancy keeps track of dues and payments, income and expenses, WCV taxes, as well as required state registrations.

“I get to use my love of numbers, money, details, and organization skills to keep WCV in a great financial position.”Nancy J.

Parliamentarian – Open

Past President – Sonja Hults

Project & Committee Chairmen

Advocates for Children – Donna DiMambro

Covers of Love – Nancy Ellis

Arts & Culture – Open

Civic Engagement – Liz Franciscus

Domestic & Sexual Violence Awareness & Prevention – Donna Weber

Education & Libraries – Kati Mendoza

Environment – Wendy Czech

Penny Pines – Tenaya Becker

Finance  – Nancy Jones

Health & Wellness – Raschel Kloos

Heifer International – Tenaya Becker

Scholarship – Wendy Czech

Sunshine – Sari deBoer

Website/Social Media – Sandi Leyva

Nominating Committee 

By-Laws Committee – Parliamentarian

Event Chairmen

Donation Day – Jessica Hamdi

Fun Walk for Autism Event – Donna DiMambro

Holiday Party 

Section Chairmen

WCV @ Night – Sonja Hults 

Book Club – Susan Duey