Membership in The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC (WCV)

Members at Autism Society Table at Autism Walk 2024
WCV offers its members many benefits. When you join WCV:
- You become part of a group that literally changes lives almost every day.
- You gain lifelong friendships with like-minded individuals.
- You are provided with the opportunity to learn so much and gain new valuable skills.
- You will be smiling and laughing more often, and you may be crying, too, for your community work is impactful and emotional at times.
- You have the option of stepping into a leadership position, not only locally, but regionally, statewide, and nationally, if you dare.
To the point, your life will have more meaning, more fun, and more learning opportunities when you join The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC.

Rookie and Volunteer of the Year at WCV
Who Is Eligible to Join?
Any person residing in or near Vista, CA or North San Diego County may become an Active Member of WCV. You do not have to be a resident of Vista to join.
You do not need to know a member in order to join. Just show up to one of our events, and you will be warmly welcomed.
Members who have moved out of the area may remain Active upon payment of dues. A member who has dropped membership shall be re-admitted upon payment of the current year’s dues.
We welcome individuals from all walks of life.
What Does It Cost to Join?
Dues are $50 per year.
The cost to attend a general day meeting is $25 per month which includes lunch. (Your first meeting meal after you join is free!) For evening meetings, Book Club, and Friendraisers, there is no cost other than the food you order from the restaurant.
How Can I Get the Most Out of My Membership?
WCV encourages members to get involved. There are many volunteer opportunities and events to choose from each month.

Friendraisers at Connie’s
Are There Other Benefits?
Yes! So many!
- After you join, your first meal at a general meeting is free.
- After 25 years with the Club, your dues are free.
- In April and November, with Board approval, members may sell their handmade or boutique items, donating ten percent (10%) of proceeds to the Club.
- Members may bring guests to the meetings.
- WCV is a lifetime member of Alta Vista Botanical Gardens. Members may attend for free.
How Do I Get Started?
You are invited to attend any of our events to meet us and get to know us. Guests may attend up to two events as a non-member before they will be asked to join.
If you’re ready to jump in with both feet, you can apply by mail or in-person at any of our events by completing our Online Membership Application or downloading and completing the printable PDF WCV membership application.
Members Say…
“I know I’m in the right place.” – Wendy Czech
“From WVC, I have gained a deep sense of satisfaction from helping others by both “hands on” volunteering and from contributing financially to the organizations we support.” – Liz Franciscus
“I’ve gained a wonderful number of fabulous friendships I would never have received had I not joined.” – Judy Pantazo
“My life is centered around service and Vista Woman’s Club is all about giving back. I have found friendships that will last a lifetime. I have learned to be a better, braver person.” – Sonja Hults
“There is so much knowledge to obtain from the monthly meetings. Vista and the surrounding San Diego area has so many deserving non-profits that need our help. I’ve gained friendships and an enlightened empathy for the community we live in.” – Donna DiMambro
“I love that I can continue to teach kids; I have enhanced my communication skills as I move up in Federation; and I have found like-minded friends. This is my busy retirement!” – Nancy B. Jones